Children represent the hope for a better tomorrow. As our children grow toward adulthood, we instill in each of them our best values and ideas, in the hope that they’ll be able to build upon the foundation we’ve laid and realize all of the dreams that we have yet to accomplish.
This is the belief that drives Leader Valley.
Leader Valley believes that effective and purposeful child development from grades Pre-K through 12th is essential, and that all children deserve authentic learning and leadership opportunities. Leader Valley is dedicated to ensuring that students in the Cedar Valley receive an education that better prepares them to succeed beyond the classroom.
In an effort to make a significant cultural impact in Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Waverly schools, Leader Valley has implemented Leader in Me – a transformative talent development initiative intended to shift the culture of a school – in five school districts within three communities.
Leader in Me focuses on identifying and nurturing the gifts and talents of all students, and is based on the seminal work of Dr. Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. By embedding the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in our schools’ teaching strategies, educators are better prepared to help students develop the essential soft skills needed for a life of personal and professional success.
Leader Valley has been able to implement Leader in Me in 17 schools across the Cedar Valley, impacting 6,554 students and 842 educators. Through the efforts of Leader Valley, strong partnerships have been forged between Cedar Valley businesses, school district administrators and school boards, educators, parents and students.
Leader Valley has taken the important first step and invested in the development of our young people. So take the next step towards safeguarding the future and ask yourself one question:
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