Leader in Me Lighthouse Team Student Receives Award

Deacon was the overall A.C.E. student recipient from the 2019-2020 school year. Expo administrations presented him with a plaque and one hundred dollar check at his job. "Deacon Smith was presented with the 2019-2020 finalist A.C.E. award from the Waterloo Sunrise Exchange Club," shares Adam Hoogestraat, President of the Sunrise Exchange Club of Waterloo. "He is one of [...]

By |2020-09-09T20:03:11-05:00September 9th, 2020|Cedar Valley, Leader in Me, News|Comments Off on Leader in Me Lighthouse Team Student Receives Award

St. Patrick Catholic Schools – Leader in Me School Highlight

What paradigms are integral to creating a leadership culture at your school? The paradigms of leadership and potential have been critical for us. The shift from adult-to student-led activities took some time to develop though. By letting go and by nurturing and embracing students’ individual gifts, we have seen such a change in how [...]

By |2020-08-10T17:50:37-05:00August 10th, 2020|Leader in Me, News|Comments Off on St. Patrick Catholic Schools – Leader in Me School Highlight

Expo Alternative Learning Center – Leader in Me School Highlight

EXPO Alternative Learning Center (EXPO-ALC) has been a shining light through the Leader in Me programming. It is exciting to see the transformation that has taken place in the hearts and minds of students, teachers, and administrators at EXPO-ALC. Leader Valley asked Henry Shepherd, EXPO-ALC Assistant Principal a few questions to share some of the impacts [...]

By |2020-07-14T07:39:07-05:00July 14th, 2020|Leader in Me, News|Comments Off on Expo Alternative Learning Center – Leader in Me School Highlight

Cedar Valley School Awarded Lighthouse Milestone

Orchard Hill Lighthouse Milestone Please share our excitement as we welcome Orchard Hill Elementary to the Leader in Me Lighthouse Milestone ranks! They are the 1st Cedar Falls school, 4th Leader Valley school, and 13th Iowa School to ascend to Lighthouse Milestone! Orchard Hill is not the first Cedar Valley school to reach this milestone. [...]

By |2020-07-26T16:44:02-05:00June 29th, 2020|Leader in Me, News|Comments Off on Cedar Valley School Awarded Lighthouse Milestone

Remember, the 7 Habits are for Adults, too!

At Leader Valley we are very focused on instilling the 7 Habits in students through The Leader in Me. A wonderful by-product of our work is training the trainers with the same principals.  Our educators are learning the 7 Habits, infusing them into the classroom and into their own lives! Leader Valley is deeply connected [...]

By |2021-02-19T14:02:10-06:00November 2nd, 2016|Leader in Me, News|Comments Off on Remember, the 7 Habits are for Adults, too!

Public is Invited to Help Create Great in Cedar Valley Schools

Fundraising Campaign Kicks Off to Fund Leader in Me (Cedar Valley of Iowa) – Leader Valley is asking businesses, individuals and foundations to join in the efforts to equip every student in the Cedar Valley with tools for effectiveness in life and work.  The Create Great fundraising campaign seeks to raise $7 million for the [...]

By |2021-02-19T14:05:19-06:00August 1st, 2016|Leader in Me, News|Comments Off on Public is Invited to Help Create Great in Cedar Valley Schools

Leader Valley steps up work with local schools

The following was published in the Courier on Sunday, June 26, 2016. Written by reporter Andrew Wind andrew.wind@wcfcourier.com. WATERLOO — The Cedar Valley’s Leader in Me schools will soon be receiving more support and training locally. Leader Valley recently announced an expanding capacity to do that work. Leader in Me, created by Utah-based FranklinCovey, introduces [...]

By |2021-01-26T20:45:57-06:00June 27th, 2016|Leader in Me|Comments Off on Leader Valley steps up work with local schools

Leader Valley Increases Ability to Deliver the Leader in Me to Cedar Valley Students

Leader Valley is expanding its capacity to support the Leader in Me schools across the Cedar Valley. Leader Valley staff are receiving extensive training and certification from FranklinCovey in two impactful areas. The first is workshop facilitation, which will allow Leader Valley staff to lead and facilitate nearly all content delivered to area Leader in [...]

By |2021-01-26T20:49:20-06:00June 6th, 2016|Leader in Me|Comments Off on Leader Valley Increases Ability to Deliver the Leader in Me to Cedar Valley Students
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